Aahh! I’m excited for you and your novellas. It’s always wild to see how our workflow as creatives changes and what comes out of it. And I relate to that phenomenon of “explain it too much before enough of it is on paper and it vanishes”. I once heard an illustrator say that for some people who have very vivid imaginations (think ppl who like ttrpgs, artists and writers, etc) spilling the beans either locks us up with pressure (‘cos we’ve created some invisible expectations now) or it tricks our brains into thinking we’ve already done it (‘cos us describing it to someone is so vivid, our brain ticks that box and moves on lol). I have definitely had this happen before. Way too many times. It’s super annoying. I share ‘cos hype and enthusiasm is contagious but then the project it takes a nap until it’s safe to come out again, ughhh.

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I can understand not wanting to share what you're working on to a small extent. I don't like sharing with a lot of people, but I do find that having a handful of writerly friends to talk with about my ideas is helpful and motivating. Plus, sometimes it's just nice to have a writerly brain to bounce ideas off of when I get stuck or freeze up.

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